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Happy Stitchmas 2023: PArt 1

*If you haven't already prepared your hoop and transferred the design then please see my previous post with more information*

Find yourself a cosy corner, grab your favourite drink and get ready for our first instalment of the Happy Stitchmas sew along!

A couple of housekeeping notes:

* There is no such thing as falling behind with this project - you can start whenever you like!

* Let go of perfectionism - Make Your Own Happy is all about slowing down, enjoying the process and having fun

* You do not have to do exactly what I do - these are only ideas, you can mix up the colours and change the stitches used to suit you. I used to hate satin stitch but now I'm a fan. If there are any stitches you don't like swap them for something else.

*If there is anything you don't understand, are struggling with or if you want some creative suggestions then please get in touch with me. You can either email me at or message me on Instagram/Facebook.

*Please share what you are doing with others - the more the merrier! You can post your progress on social media using the #happystitchmas2023 so others can like and comment

Here it is.... sorry for the waffle (feel free to mute me):

The next video will be released on Sunday 10th DEcember.

Happy stitching!

Donna x

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